Major Sidney John Cuthbert
Service Number 65937
World War 2
KIA Aged 30
Buried at Hottot-Les-Bagues War Cemetery, France. VIII, A, 1
Cuthbert died when his tank was hit at point blank range by a German Panther tank mounted with an 88 mm gun. The blast penetrated the heaviest frontal armour and blew the turret, in which Cuthbert was, clear off. The battalion history lamented his passing: "The loss of Major Cuthbert was an especially heavy blow; he had been one of the chief innovators in the realm of infantry and tank co-operation, and his energy knew no bounds."
Son of Capt. James Harold Cuthbert, D.S.O., Scots Guards (killed in France, 27th September, 1915), and of Kathleen Alice Cuthbert, of Chelmsford, Essex. His brother Gerald Ivo Cuthbert also fell
Country | Location | Name of Memorial | Campaign | Names | Date(s) | |
France | Les Loges, Normandy, France | Memorial to 3rd Tank Battalion Scots Guards in Les Loges, Normandy, France | World War 2 |
Sidney Cuthbert | 30-7-1944 | View |
England | Eton College In the Cloisters Eton SL6 6DB England | Eton College War Memorial | World War 1 World War 2 |
Sidney Cuthbert | 30-7-1944 | View |
Further information:
Find more information about a specific soldier visit findmypast. The Scots Guards are delighted that their Enlistment Books from 1840 to 1938 are now available at:

If you have information on a specific memorial please send it on to the Historical Committee. The Memorial information required is:
- Who or what formation of the Regiment is named on the memorial. What event, dates or other inscriptions on the memorial.
- The country, nearest town/city or other details of location.
- A description of the memorial with a photograph if possible.
- For bigger sites a copy of any advertising information or leaflets would be useful.
Please sent any information that you find to: Michael Campbell-Lamerton
As the information on the database builds up Michael Campbell-Lamerton will be sending regular updates to Archives at RHQ who remains the point of contact about for inquiries on past members of the Regiment.