The Scots Guards Charity

Our charity’s purpose is to make life better for serving soldiers, veterans and their families. We provide assistance through many means, including, supporting the wounded and families of those killed on operations, debt relief, respite breaks, mobility assistance, education, home improvement/mobility alterations and financial support. We also support soldiers between operation and the families of soldiers away on operations, as well as providing a network of support to veterans.

The Scots Guards is determined to be in a position to provide support for all members of the regimental family, now and in the future. The Scots Guards Charity is central to delivering on this commitment, but as demands on its funds increase, driven by heightened military activity, higher survival rates after serious injury, a general increase in life expectancy and higher inflation, it can only do so with your generous support.

More information on how you can support the activities of the charity

How to support

How to get help

Thank you for your support

Charity details

Register of Charities information

Charity details

Latest Charity Report:

Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2023

The Scots Guards Charity Directors are as follows:

Brigadier (retired) GHFS Nickerson (Chairman)
Colonel JDL Leask MBE (Regimental Lieutenant Colonel)
Major NA McClelland MBE
Captain (retired) The Rt Hon Sir Iain Duncan Smith PC MP
Captain (retired) MW Joynson
Captain (retired) PD Vail
Mrs L Hobbs

Supporting Staff:

The Regimental Welfare and Finance Officer (Company Secretary)
The Regimental Adjutant

Should anyone wish to make contact with any of the above, it is to be through the Regimental Adjutant, whose contact details are below.


Regimental Adjutant: Major James Kelly Tel: 0207 414 3324 adjutant@scotsguards.org Headquarters Scots Guards, Wellington Barracks, London SW1E 6HQ

Latest Charity: Case Studies

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Replacement of wheelchair for wounded veteran

| Support for wounded | No Comments
A grant of £4,000 was awarded to assist with replacing an old wheelchair for a Guardsman who was shot on active duty in Northern Ireland in 1972, leaving him confined to a wheelchair for over 52 years. The purchase of a better, lighter and more manoeuvrable chair will allow him to maintain a more active lifestyle for longer.

Cost of living support for junior married soldiers.

| Support to Families | No Comments
A winter fuel grant of £21,900 was awarded to the families of all serving Guardsmen and Lance-Corporals. This helped seventy families deal with the massive increase in energy costs seen during the winter of 2022 / 2023.

The Scots Guards Charity is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No.10596645. Registered Office: Regimental Headquarters, Scots Guards, Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk, London SW1E 6HQ. The Scots Guards Charity is registered with the Charity Commission (No. 1174691) and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (No. SC048007).

Donating through this page is simple, quick and secure. It is the most efficient way to give – so every donation goes further – and if you are a UK taxpayer and give Gift Aid consent the charity will receive an extra 25% at no cost to you.

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