Support to Families

Cost of living support for junior married soldiers.

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A winter fuel grant of £21,900 was awarded to the families of all serving Guardsmen and Lance-Corporals. This helped seventy families deal with the massive increase in energy costs seen during the winter of 2022 / 2023.

Widow of Guardsman receive grant for husband’s burial

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A grant of £500 was made towards funeral costs for a 71-year-old widow of a Guardsman who completed his National Service in the 1950s.

Grant towards funeral costs for veteran’s wife

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A grant of £500 towards funeral costs was made to a 70 year old former Sergeant in the Scots Guards with 13 years service. The veteran served in Cyprus, Malaya, Hong Kong and Northern Ireland. The sudden death of his wife and a lack of savings resulted in the former soldier being unable to meet the cost of his wife’s funeral.

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