Housing & Homelessness

Widow of Scots Guardsman gets boiler in time for winter

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A grant of £875 was provided towards the cost of a new boiler for the 73 year old widow of a Scots Guardsman whose 12 years’ service included a tour in Malaya. Her old boiler had become so dangerous that she could not use it or the connected gas fire. The new boiler was installed in time to provide hot water and heating before the onset of winter.

Retired veteran gets a new boiler

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When the local Council was unable to assist, a grant of £750 was awarded to a Scots Guards veteran, who served for 10 years in the 1970s and is suffering from COPD, to help him replace his boiler, which was old and emitting dangerous fumes.

Housing modifications

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A grant of £1,500 was made to help fund critical home modifications for a 45-year-old former Sergeant and his wife. The veteran served for 25 years, with tours in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan and Iraq. His wife is severely disabled but the family lost disability benefits on the return from an overseas posting. Having saved for the purchase of their home, the couple could not afford to make adaptations to the bathroom after her physical capacity declined.

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