How to support

There are many ways you can support the charity!

You could donate directly to The Scots Guards Charity or you could use easyfundraising – an internet search engine that donates money every time you shop on line. You could leave the fund money in your will or organise a fundraising event. This could be almost anything; you are only limited by your imagination. You might want to raise funds by running a marathon, holding an auction, writing a book, painting a picture, organizing a Burns Supper or a barbecue. Regimental Headquarters will assist you wherever and however it can. Use the buttons above to see the details of how to support the Charity and some things to think about if planning your own event.


You can make a direct donation by sending a cheque made out to “The Scots Guards Charity” and sending it to the Regimental Welfare Officer at: The Scots Guards Office, The Castle, EDINBURGH EH1 2YT.

Donate Online

Use a credit or debit card to donate online through our Invest My Community account. Follow this link: https://app.investmycommunity.com/donation/the-scots-guards-charity-2886 Please remember to tick the Gift Aid box – If you are a UK Tax payer you can increase the value of your donation by 25% if you pay tax at least equal to the tax the Scots Guards Charity can reclaim on your donation – currently 25p for each £1 you donate. It will show “SGCF” on your bank statement.

Legacy Giving

Everyone wants to ensure that when they die, they look after those they love and care about. In many cases, they may wish to leave a legacy to their Regiment to recognise the ‘family’ with which they have served over the years. There are three types of legacy that can be left: A Residuary legacy – which is a percentage of the value of your estate once all other payments have been made (eg outstanding debts, tax etc). A Pecuniary legacy – which is a gift of a fixed amount of money. A Specific legacy – which specifies a personal possession (e.g. antiques, jewellery etc) or specific investment such as shares. For further information on legacy giving please contact the Regimental Adjutant on 0207 414 3324.

Give as you live

Give as you Live is a free service that raises money for the Scots Guards Charity as you shop on line. This comes at no cost to you and doesn’t affect the way you shop on line. When you do your shopping online with over 6000 retail partners the Scots Guards Charity will receive a percentage of what you have spent. Stores include M&S, eBay, Tesco, John Lewis, Sainsburys (new customers receive 6%), Argos, Viking, Hotels.Com, Booking.com, asos, Trainline and many more.

Standing order

Why not set up a Standing Order to ensure your donation is sent to us without you having to think about it? Simply speak to the Regimental Adjutant on 0207 414 3324 for further details.

Raise money for the fund

Organising your own fundraising event can be great fun but also a very effective way of raising money. A fundraising event can be almost anything, from walking the West Highland Way, running a marathon or cycling from London to Edinburgh to doing your first parachute jump, swimming the length of Loch Lomond or skiing to the South Pole. Run your own event.

Gifting Shares

Gifting shares to charity can now attract significant tax savings on Capital Gains Tax and Income tax. The donor of the shares must sign a stock transfer document, which then needs to be sent to us. Please discuss any such gift with your financial advisor and contact the Regimental Adjutant on 0207 414 3324 for further details before gifting shares or any other assets.

Donating through this page is simple, quick and secure. It is the most efficient way to give – so every donation goes further – and if you are a UK taxpayer and give Gift Aid consent the charity will receive an extra 25% at no cost to you.

Ways to support