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Run your own event

Organising your own fundraising event can be great fun but also a very effective way of raising money. A fundraising event can be almost anything, from walking the West Highland Way, running a marathon or cycling from London to Edinburgh to doing your first parachute jump, swimming the length of Loch Lomond or skiing to the South Pole. You could organise a barbecue, a picnic, a dinner party, a Burns Supper or a karaoke evening. You could write a book, paint a picture, busk in Princes’ St or hold a carol concert. You could hold a whisky tasting or a wine tasting, even a Buckfast tasting. A golf match, a football match, a rugby match…

You are only limited by your imagination.

No matter how big or small, the regiment can assist you. Do let Regimental Headquarters know on 0208 414 3324 what you have in mind so we can support you, offer resources if appropriate and feature your endeavours on these web pages.

Fundraising Events

Fundraising can be a lot of fun but can also be hard work. To help you make the most of your fundraising here are a few tips:

Start early and start NOW! The earlier you begin the less stress you will experience before the final challenge.

Be organised - successful fundraisers are

There are many ways to raise funds and you should choose what is right for you and what will work for you. Begin by making an action plan detailing exactly what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it.
Here is an example of how you could meet your fundraising goal

Write a list of contacts: family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, school friends, teachers, etc.

Don’t be afraid to ask them to sponsor you.
Get the largest amounts at the top of the sponsor form. Ask the person who is going to give you the most money first and then the next down. This will encourage others to be more generous.
The best way is be upfront! “I am determined to raise £2000 for The Colonel’s Fund and want you to help me.” If you can get friends to collect sponsors on your behalf from their own circle of friends even better. Just remember they will be responsible for collecting the money afterwards.
If people you do not see very often sponsor you, it may be easier to collect the money as you go along. This will save you having to make phone calls to chase pledges after the event.
Seek local commercial or business sponsorship, either as straight donation or in return for putting the firm’s logo on your running vest. We can provide you with proof of authorisation so that you can write to businesses and ask for contributions.
If you are employed, you might ask your employer to sponsor you or to ‘match’ the amount you raise in sponsorship.
If you are a member of any group, such as a sports or social club (i.e. golf club, working men’s club) or a church, you might ask to circulate sponsorship forms among the other members.
To collect sponsorship money in public you will need a Street Collection License from your local authority which will usually cost £15‐20. Applications for these licenses must be made well in advance of the event and are normally only given to official branches or members of charities. Ask us for details.
To collect sponsorship money on private property you must have permission of the owner or manager. Supermarkets, pubs and garden centres are excellent places. Why not set up a display explaining what you are doing and asking for contributions. We can provide you with stickers and collection tins, so please contact us.
Arrange for your local paper or radio to feature and support your preparations. Ring us for advice and support with your coverage.
It is important to be clear about how the money you raise will be spent by The Scots Guards Charity. If you have any queries please call us on 0207 414 3324.

Event planning

If you are organising an event to help you reach your fundraising target, there are a number of important factors to consider. When fundraising on behalf of The Scots Guards Charity, you are acting as ambassadors of the charity, so we have outlined below some points to bear in mind to help you avoid problems with your event.

Timing the event

Choose a date, time and venue for your event carefully. Make sure that the date and time will be convenient for the type of people who will be attending. Will it clash with the FA Cup Final? Should it coincide with school holidays? Will it be too late for people to get home by public transport?

Making a list and set deadlines

Whatever event you are planning it is a really good idea to write a list of all the areas which need to be planned. Then for each area write down a list of all the tasks which need to be done, with deadlines of when they should be completed and who will be doing them.

Set a budget

List all of the ways that you are going to make money at the event. Have you thought of everything?Have you included any ticket sales, raffle sales, sponsorship, refreshment sales, etc?
Then write down all the things which will cost you money. This is a really important list. Make sure you think of everything and then at the end make sure that the income is more than the cost!
In an ideal world a fundraising event should set a target of raising £4 for every £1 of cost. Bear that in mind and it will give you a ratio to aim for.

Be legal

On all printed materials you use, including letters, tickets, posters etc., you must state “The Scots Guards Charity is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No.10596645. Registered Office: Regimental Headquarters, Scots Guards, Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk, London SW1E 6HQ. The Scots Guards Charity is registered with the Charity Commission (No. 1174691) and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (No. SC048007)”. This is a legal requirement under the Charities Act 1992 and it is a criminal offence not to include it. Make sure if you are using The Scots Guards Charity’s name that you use it correctly. There are guidelines on how to do this which are available from us; please ask us first!

Raffles can be held in your work place, club or pub without any problem. If you can get hold of a good prize, use cloakroom tickets, and sell them, you should do well. Raffles that involve selling tickets to the general public are governed by strict legal requirements. To hold a lottery or raffle you will need a Lotteries License from your local council. As the Promoter of the Lottery you will be personally liable for its organisation.

The exception to this rule is for raffles held at a one‐off event like a dinner or dance. This is known as a Small Lottery. Tickets for Small Lotteries can only be sold during the event and you must not have money prizes (although vouchers are fine) or spend more than £250 on prizes (donated prizes do not count). The result of the raffle must be drawn and announced at the event.

Be safe

Making sure that everything about your event is safe is also really important. As the organiser of the event it is your responsibility to ensure that you have thought of all the possible ways in which people could be harmed by taking part in or attending your event. This is called a risk analysis. Think about what could harm people and how you could prevent that happening. Put together a plan of how to stop potential accidents, and write down what you would do if something went wrong.

Inform your local police and council of the date, time, route and purpose of the event if it is to be held in a public place. We would recommend getting some First Aid cover at the event, especially if it is an outside event or an active event. Your local British Red Cross or St John’s Ambulance can provide it for a small donation.


If you want to sell alcoholic drinks at your event and the venue is not already licensed, you will need permission from the local council. If you have alcoholic raffle prizes you will also need to apply for permission.

If you’re not sure, ask!

If you are not sure about anything to do with your event ask us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions and give whatever support we can. Please contact us on 0207 414 3324.

Donating through this page is simple, quick and secure. It is the most efficient way to give – so every donation goes further – and if you are a UK taxpayer and give Gift Aid consent the charity will receive an extra 25% at no cost to you.

Ways to Donate