Colmonnel War Memorial
WM name reference IWM80495
Current Location:
overlooking the Bowling Green Craigneil Road Colmonell Kyle And Carrick Strathclyde KA26 0RZ
Small Latin Cross surmounting a tall pillar which is on a pedestal. On the top part of the pedestal is a stone WW1 plaque with the dedication, then a thick dividing line, followed by officers names. Below is the WW2 names plaque. The pedestal is flanked on either side by stone walls, each of which has an 'other ranks' tablet with 2 columns divided by a thick black line. The memorial area is accessed by a flight of steps from street level, with wrought iron railings on either side, and a wrought iron gate at street level. There are also 2 wooden benches on stone legs under each of the flank walls
World War 1
TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN/HONOURED MEMORY OF THE MEN/OF THIS PARISH WHO GAVE THEIR/LIVES FOR THEIR COUNTRY IN/THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919/[names of officers and a Piper]/THEIR NAME LIVETH FOR EVERMORE Tablets on flank walls-[names of WW1 'other ranks' in 2 columns] THESE MADE THE SAME SACRIFICE/1939-1945/[names in 2 columns]
Surname | First Name | Date of Death | Name of Memorial(s) | |
Gracie | John | 15-10-1918 | Colmonnel War Memorial | View |
Further information:
Find more information about a specific soldier visit findmypast. The Scots Guards are delighted that their Enlistment Books from 1840 to 1938 are now available at:

If you have information on a specific memorial please send it on to the Historical Committee. The Memorial information required is:
- Who or what formation of the Regiment is named on the memorial. What event, dates or other inscriptions on the memorial.
- The country, nearest town/city or other details of location.
- A description of the memorial with a photograph if possible.
- For bigger sites a copy of any advertising information or leaflets would be useful.
Please sent any information that you find to: Michael Campbell-Lamerton
As the information on the database builds up Michael Campbell-Lamerton will be sending regular updates to Archives at RHQ who remains the point of contact about for inquiries on past members of the Regiment.